Our range of services for recycling your packaging
After assessing your recycling obligations, we will develop a transparent, budget-friendly approach that complies with the law.
We will undertake ongoing, onerous activities on your behalf, such as selecting and communicating with waste disposal companies.
We constantly monitor the cost-efficiency of your waste disposal and will check your declaration of completeness.
Waste legislation is constantly changing
In recent years, numerous changes have made the waste disposal regulations complex and confusing for both manufacturers and distributors of all kinds of products. Legislation amending the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act came into force on 24 October 2015, with some amendments coming into effect on 15 August 2018. The new Commercial Waste Ordinance was published in the Federal Journal of Laws on 21 April 2017, and the Packaging Act on 12 July 2017.
Both provisions will enter into full force on 1 January 2019. All these amendments mean that a review of existing disposal solutions is necessary and require the implementation of some new internal and external processes. We are happy to help!
How to contact us

(Managing Director)
+49 89 55 26 41 52
+49 171 933 81 73
+49 89 55 26 41 53